Post-Ofsted action plan: governors' role

Find out how you can review and challenge your school's action plan after an Ofsted inspection, and what happens post-inspection if your school's been judged 'inadequate'.

Last reviewed on 18 January 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4365
  1. Use the inspection feedback
  2. School leaders will draft the action plan
  3. Review and challenge the action plan
  4. Monitor the action plan
  5. If your school's been judged 'inadequate'

Be clear on how Ofsted inspects governance.

Thanks to Kate Foale and our associate education expert Phil Preston for their help in writing this article.

Use the inspection feedback

You'll be invited to a feedback meeting with your school leaders at the end of the final inspection day.

During the meeting, the lead inspector will share any recommendations for improvement (see paragraph 157 of the inspection handbook).

Make sure your school leaders use the recommendations to help form your school's action plan. This will then help to demonstrate how you intend to implement the recommendations.

When the result is less than 'good', it can be a stressful time for all involved. Be sure to consider staff and headteacher wellbeing when challenging the action plan and in subsequent monitoring visits.

If you're a clerk, find out how to clerk an Ofsted feedback meeting.

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