Staying Ofsted-ready as a governor

Use our checklists to be confident that, when Ofsted arrives, you've got everything under control. Download our list of questions that inspectors might ask governors, and follow our links to brush up on any areas you're not sure of.

Last reviewed on 8 October 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 43074
  1. What to do throughout the year
  2. Questions inspectors might ask governors
  3. What to do after you get the call
  4. How you're involved during the inspection

What to do throughout the year

Download the checklist below to see what key things you should check and do regularly.

The tasks in this list relate to your core functions, so you're probably already doing a lot of these things.

Questions to consider as a board Consider these questions regularly to make sure you understand these key areas of school life and what your board and leaders are doing to drive improvement. School vision: What is our vision for the school over the next 2 years? How will we achieve this? Behaviour: What's pupil behaviour like in our school? What are we doing to encourage good behaviour and address bad behaviour? School improvement: How have we deployed ways to contribute to teaching and learning improvements? What are the perceived strengths and weaknesses of the school? How will we further develop the senior leadership team (SLT)? Pupils: What are our expectations of pupils? How does this relate to the school’s