Many thanks to our associate education experts Gulshan Kayembe, Hafise Nazif and Ian Preston for their input in this article.
Ways to approach curriculum monitoring
The way you monitor the curriculum in your school may look different depending on your set-up. For example, you could have:
- A curriculum/standards committee
- A curriculum link governor
- Several link governors for different subjects (for example, you might have a link governor with responsibility for literacy, another for maths and one to look at cross-curricular links)
It's important that your board considers which approach would be most effective based on:
- Your school's size and context
- Whether there's a lot of change happening with your curriculum
- Current outcomes for pupils - if results are not where they should be, you might need more governors to challenge and support leaders and drive improvement
Fair Oak Infant School in Hampshire has a standards committee (scroll to the bottom to see its terms of reference) Westfield Infant School in