Curriculum/standards committee agenda

Download our template agenda for curriculum/standards committee meetings. Get help with deciding what to include, so your meetings run smoothly and your committee is focused and can monitor effectively.

Last reviewed on 11 June 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 30166
  1. Governance professional/clerk: download our meeting agenda
  2. What to cover: an overview
  3. Monitor the 'quality of education'
  4. Interrogate pupil progress data
  5. Discuss your school/trust's use of the pupil premium

Governance professional/clerk: download our meeting agenda

Adapt our template below to reflect your committee's focus, circumstances and terms of reference.

Download: curriculum/standards committee agenda – template DOCX, 3.2 MB

What to cover: an overview

Check your own committee's terms of reference and your annual work plan. This will cover your committee's specific responsibilities and help you to decide what to cover in the agenda.

Generally speaking, the committee should cover and report back to the full board on things like:

  • Subject/curriculum delivery
  • The impact of interventions
  • Use of resources
  • Attainment and progress 
  • Trustees – curriculum coherence 

Multi-academy trust (MAT) committees

If you're in a MAT, this could be:

Check your scheme