Academy conversion

  • Academy conversion: consultation toolkit
    Converting to an academy is a big decision. Find out who you should consult, when and how to do it, and what information to include in your consultation. Adapt our template letter to inform and invite stakeholders to give their views on conversion, and share our FAQs document.
  • Academy conversion: step-by-step process
    Be clear on each step of the academy conversion process so you know what you need to do from start to finish. Use our handy checklist to keep track of the tasks to complete, to make sure everything's covered.
  • How to approach writing/reviewing your scheme of delegation
    Your MAT is required to have a scheme of delegation that shows who does what in your trust's governance structure. Follow our tips on what to include, and what to consider when writing your scheme or giving it an annual review. Plus, see examples of how other trusts have written theirs.
  • How to avoid common pitfalls in academy conversion
    Find out how to avoid making the most common mistakes when converting to an academy, so you can make sure the process runs smoothly.
  • How to effectively on-board new academies
    Get tips on how to smoothly on-board new academies into your trust. Understand what to prioritise before a school joins your trust, and how to help the LGB on every step of the journey.
  • Schemes of delegation in multi-academy trusts
    All MATs do governance differently, and your scheme of delegation will set out your trust's approach. As a trustee or local governor, you'll need to be familiar with this document. Understand what kind of information you'll find and when you should look to it for answers.