What you'll find in the scheme of delegation
Your scheme of delegation sets out where responsibilities and accountabilities sit within your multi-academy trust (MAT)'s structure. For example, it will indicate whether a task is the responsibility of the board of trustees, local governing bodies (LGBs), headteachers or central staff.
All MATs will delegate this differently, so the scheme is something you'll refer to often.
Find questions about schemes of delegation in our article on questions to ask before joining a MAT.
Your board of trustees should review it annually
Or immediately where there's been a change in your trust's management or structure.
This is explained in paragraph 2.4 of the Academy Trust Handbook.
Using the scheme
Your trust should provide induction training for all trustees and local governors on what the scheme of delegation is and how it's applied.
Find details about your MAT’s committees (including LGBs) and