Academy conversion: step-by-step process

Be clear on each step of the academy conversion process so you know what you need to do from start to finish. Use our handy checklist to keep track of the tasks to complete, to make sure everything's covered.

Last reviewed on 15 April 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 3363
  1. Download our checklist
  2. Step 1: before you apply
  3. Step 2: apply to convert
  4. Step 3: run your consultation and set up or join the academy trust
  5. Step 4: transfer responsibilities to the academy trust
  6. Step 5: prepare to open as an academy
  7. Step 6: open as an academy
  8. Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

This article is aimed at your chair of governors, and it's based on the detailed guide to the academy conversion process from the DfE. Your chair, or your headteacher, will be completing the steps outlined here.

Conversion can take a few months (schools with private finance initiative (PFI) contracts usually take a minimum of 6 months to convert, according to the DfE – see the section 'PFI contracts'), so make sure you're clear on the steps, as well as your role throughout this process. 

Download our checklist

Download our checklist for the conversion process so you can tick off all of the steps you need to follow as you go:

Download: academy conversion – checklist DOCX, 629.0 KB

The rest of this article details what we've included in the checklist, so we'd suggest reading the article first. Plus, there are some FAQs at the end.

Register your interest by completing and submitting a registration of interest form You'll be given the name