Keeping a record of governor training

Although you aren't required to keep a record of governor or trustee training, it can be a useful source of evidence. Learn how you can track your board's training, and see examples of training records from other boards.

Last reviewed on 13 July 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 31753
  1. You aren't required to keep a training record, but it's helpful to
  2. Record your training on GovernorHub
  3. Template training record sheet
  4. Examples of governor training records

You aren't required to keep a training record, but it's helpful to

There's no statutory requirement for you to keep a record of completed governor training. However, it's useful to record training to be able to:

The Governance Handbook (page 44) suggests that someone on the governing board (for example, the vice-chair) should be responsible for overseeing governor training