Top tips to keep your board running smoothly and protect governors' wellbeing

Wellbeing and workload issues affect governors, too. Read on for practical steps you can take to protect your governors and make sure your board is working at peak efficiency.

Last reviewed on 23 February 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 38752
  1. Governor wellbeing matters
  2. Prioritise induction and training
  3. Delegate
  4. Maintain schedules
  5. Keep meetings focused and on track
  6. Download our template agenda and memorandum
  7. Be flexible
  8. Say thank you

Governor wellbeing matters

Common stressors for governors include:

  • Heavy workloads
  • Feelings of incompetence or lack of purpose
  • Time constraints
  • Competing responsibilities

And just as in any other workplace, poor mental health and wellbeing can lead to:

  • Reduced productivity
  • Increased absence from meetings
  • Social difficulties

While it's no single person's responsibility to maintain the mental health and wellbeing of the governors on your board, there are some tweaks that you as a chair, clerk or any other board member can make to ensure that governance isn't overly burdensome.

Prioritise induction and training

If a board is to run efficiently, every governor must be confident in their role. This is the case for both new governors and more experienced ones who are tackling new responsibilities.

New governor induction and further training for experienced governors can protect your governors' wellbeing by:

  • Helping governors feel confident in their roles
  • Making sure each governor is doing the best they can
  • Keeping the workload evenly balanced