What a curriculum report is and who to get it from
You shouldn't expect a curriculum report to focus on individual subjects such as maths or reading. Instead, it should give you a more top-level view of how the curriculum works as a whole.
Keep the '3 Is' firmly in mind as you review these reports and question your school leaders. They're the key aspects of your curriculum that Ofsted considers when judging the quality of education you provide:
- Intent: what your school's trying to achieve through the curriculum
- Implementation: how the curriculum's being delivered
- Impact: how the curriculum's making a difference
If your board has a committee or link governor with responsibility for the curriculum, those governors should ask to receive these reports from the headteacher or head of curriculum.
If not, ask the headteacher/head of curriculum to report to the full governing board.
You should also meet with subject leads and monitor individual subjects. Read