Role description templates for maintained school governors, trustees, and governors on LGBs

Save time on recruiting and download our template job descriptions for maintained school governors, academy trustees and governors on local governing bodies. Get inspiration from other schools and trusts if you want to write your own.

Last reviewed on 2 September 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 32108
  1. Template role descriptions
  2. Examples from schools/trusts

Template role descriptions

Download: maintained school governor role description DOCX, 674.0 KB
Download: academy trustee role description DOCX, 674.9 KB
Download: local governor role description (LGB) DOCX, 674.2 KB

We created these templates with Governors for Schools, a free governor recruitment service.

The templates include space for your board's contact details, so you can use them for recruitment. Find out more about how to recruit maintained school governors and how to recruit trustees and local governors.

Examples from schools/trusts

Academy trustees Ethos Academy Trust, a trust of 6 alternative provision academies in Yorkshire, has descriptions for trustee, member and 'academy performance review committee (APRC)' roles Exceed Academies Trust, a trust of 14 academies in Yorkshire. The document 'roles and responsibilities of academy members, trustees and LAB' has descriptions for each of these roles. Find it under 'governance documents' The Tiffin Girls' School, a single-academy trust