Please note: some schools use the term 'exclusion panel', while others use 'discipline panel' or 'discipline committee'. We use the term 'exclusions panel' to avoid confusion between this and independent review panels.
What to include
Maintained schools: your board can delegate its functions to a designated sub-committee (we've called it a panel) consisting of at least 3 governors.
Academies: your board can delegate to a smaller sub-committee if your articles of association allow you to.
Like most terms of reference, be sure to cover:
- The purpose of the panel
- How many governors will sit on the panel, including any ineligible governors
- Quorum for your panel
- When meetings will take place
- The panel's responsibilities
Making sure the panel meets within the statutory timeframe(s). You can find these on pages 35 and 36 of the Department for Education’s (DfE's) guidance on school suspensions and permanent exclusions Considering the interests and circumstances of