How to show your board's impact on school improvement

Get to grips with how your governing board can show its impact on school improvement. Do this by being clear on your school's objectives and using evidence such as feedback from stakeholders and governing board meeting minutes.

on 29 August 2024
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School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4267
  1. School improvement is a key part of effective governance 
  2. Be clear on your school's objectives and progress
  3. Use evidence to show the board's impact
  4. Publish governing board minutes online

School improvement is a key part of effective governance 

The governance guides for academy trusts and maintained schools set out the expectations for the role of boards in school improvement.

Maintained school boards One of your board's core functions is to ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction. Section 1.2 of the maintained schools governance guide explains that this strategic leadership will include: Defining medium and long-term goals, including development and