Requirements in maintained schools
You must have at least 7 governors.
This must include:
- At least 2 parent governors
- The headteacher (unless they decide not to be a governor)
- Only 1 staff governor
- Only 1 local authority (LA) governor
The rules are slightly different for hard federations
If you're in a hard federation, it's:
- Exactly 2 parent governors (either from the same school or different schools in the federation)
- The headteacher of each school (unless any of them decide not to be a governor)
- Only 1 staff governor
- Only 1 LA governor
You can appoint as many additional co-opted governors as you consider necessary
However, the number of co-opted governors who are eligible to be elected or appointed as staff governors must not exceed one-third of the total membership of your board, when counted with the 1 staff governor and the headteacher (or headteachers, in a hard federation), and including any vacancies.
The rules depend on your