Appointing and reappointing maintained school governors: the rules

Understand the different categories of governor and how each one is appointed. Find out the rules for co-opted, foundation, local authority, parent and staff governors, as well as associate members.

Last reviewed on 8 May 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 42100
  1. Co-opted governors
  2. LA governors
  3. Foundation governors
  4. Parent governors
  5. Staff governors
  6. Associate members

The information in this article is from the statutory guidance on The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012 from the DfE.

Find out more about how to recruit maintained school governors and about the number and type of governors you must have.

Co-opted governors

Co-opted governors are appointed by the governing board.

There's no set process to follow. Your board can decide how you select and appoint co-opted governors, based on the relevance of their skills and experience to the needs of the school. However, you must:

  • Agree and record your decision to appoint the governor in the minutes at a quorate full governing board meeting
  • Give written notice of the appointment to the governance professional, including the name and address of the person nominated or appointed


Co-opted governors can be automatically reappointed if the governing board agrees. Note this in the minutes if you do so.

Local authority (LA) governors are nominated by the LA, but appointed by