Types of panel hearings and your role in them
You may be asked to clerk different types of governor panels. These are mainly set up on an ad-hoc basis to hear appeals related to matters such as:
- Suspensions and exclusions (for example, if parents are unhappy with the school's decision to suspend or permanently exclude their child)
- Parent complaints
- Staff pay
- Staff discipline or grievances
- Admissions
Your role is to co-ordinate the panel, which usually involves:
- Identifying who needs to be involved and who can't be on the panel (this'll depend on the type of panel)
- Preparing a document pack ahead of the meeting and sending it to all parties involved
- Arranging a meeting time and making sure it's in line with any statutory timeframes (see the 'Prepare for the panel meeting' section below)
- Preparing the agenda
- Setting up the room that the meeting will be held in
- Informing participants of the outcome of the hearing
Build your background knowledge about the specific type of hearing you'll be