Health and safety report to governors: template

As governors, you decide the scope and format of a health and safety report. However, it's up to your senior leaders to put the report together. Suggest they download and use our template to help keep you informed.

Last reviewed on 28 March 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4283
  1. You should receive regular reports
  2. You decide the scope and format of the report 
  3. Download our template 

You should receive regular reports

Most governing boards receive an annual audit report on health and safety. However, it's good practice for the committee or link governor responsible for health and safety to update termly. 

An annual report may not be regular enough to keep your board up to date on any issues, especially if there are any changes in your school, or problems that need addressing.

Our associate education expert, Vicky Redding, explained this to us. 

Find out more about the role of a link governor for health and safety in our other article.

You decide the scope and format of the report 

Your executive leaders need to provide the governing board with the information it needs to do its job well.

This is set out in section 3.2 of the maintained schools governance guide and section 6.1 of the academy trust governance

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