Last reviewed on 16 April 2024
Statutory/mandatory for: Maintained schools Academies Free schools Independent schools Sixth-form colleges Further education Pupil referral units

Get to grips with how to scrutinise your school or trust's health and safety policy. Download our model policy to see what good looks like and see examples of policies from primary, secondary and special schools.

What this policy needs to do

While schools and trusts must have a health and policy in place, there's no specific version they must follow.

Section 3 of the DfE's non-statutory guidance suggests what your school's health and safety policy should contain. 

Every health and safety policy contains 4 elements

  1. Plan – leaders should set the direction for effective health and safety management
  2. Do – introduce management systems and practices that deal with risks sensibly, responsibly and proportionately
  3. Check – monitoring and reporting
  4. Act – a formal management review of health and safety performance

It should be proportionate and relevant to your school

Your policy should include:

The specifics of every school or trust's policy will look slightly different to fit their individual context.