How to embed your vision

Understand how you can communicate your school or trust's vision to stakeholders and how to embed the vision into the work of your board.

Last reviewed on 6 June 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 5812
  1. Make sure your vision statement still reflects your aspirations 
  2. Keep your vision at the centre of all strategic decisions 
  3. Make sure your vision statement is visible to your community 
  4. Use events and meetings to remind the community of your vision 

Make sure your vision statement still reflects your aspirations 

Before you jump to embedding your vision, you'll need to make sure it addresses the biggest issues for schools/trusts right now, such as:

  • Community engagement
  • Sustainability
  • Diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI)
  • Wellbeing (for pupils, staff and leaders)

Read our article on developing an inclusive vision and strategy to help you take your first steps. Take a look at our articles on how to make sustainability a strategic priority and how to approach wellbeing strategically, too.

If you've already reviewed your vision, move on to the section below. 

Keep your vision at the centre of all strategic decisions 

To embed your school/trust's vision into everything it does, think of it like a pyramid. At the top is your vision statement, underneath that is your long-term strategic plan (3 to 5 years) and underneath that is your school improvement plan (SIP) (trust improvement plan in trusts). Your SIP or TIP needs to feed into your strategic plan and