How to review your teachers' pay policy

Understand the requirements and know what questions to ask when reviewing your teachers' pay policy. Read our model policy to see what good looks like – choose the version that reflects whether your school is retaining or stopping performance-related pay.

Last reviewed on 28 November 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 35878
  1. Key facts
  2. Legislation and guidance
  3. What this policy needs to do
  4. Performance-based pay progression is no longer mandatory
  5. Key questions to challenge the policy
  6. Model policies from The Key
  7. Model policy from the DfE
  8. Examples from schools

What this policy needs to do

Clearly sets out how teachers' objectives will be set and their performance assessed and moderated*. Note that: Objectives shouldn't be based on teacher-generated data and predictions  Pay progression doesn't need to be linked to performance – see below for more details Sets out what evidence will be taken into account when making pay decisions, and the date by which annual reviews will be determined Sets out objective criteria for pay decisions, so there's no discriminatory effect on any teacher with a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 Complies with other discrimination legislation: The Employment Relations Act 1999 The Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 The Fixed-Term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002 Details how teachers' applications for moving to the upper pay range (UPR) will be assessed, as well as: The process of applying Application deadlines Includes procedures for pay appeals Sets out