• Data protection: model privacy notices Use our model privacy notices to keep yours up to date with the latest regulations and guidance. They'll save you time and help your school or trust stay compliant with this complex area.
  • Finance policies Your school isn't required to have a finance policy, but it can be a way to keep some mandatory information or helpful procedures in one place. See examples of finance policies from primary and secondary schools.
  • Freedom of information: publication scheme Learn about the requirement for your school to adopt the ICO's model freedom of information publication scheme, and understand what it needs to publish.
  • Governors' allowances and expenses policy: model and examples UpdatedDownload and adapt our model governors' allowances and expenses policy to stay compliant. Use our checklist when creating or reviewing your own policy and see examples of policies from other schools.
  • How to review your admissions policy Maintained schools and academies are required to have an admissions policy. Understand the requirements, find out how to robustly review your policy, and use our model and examples as a guide for what a good policy looks like.