How to consider a suspension of 5 days or fewer in a term

Your board is required to consider suspensions of 5 days or under in a term if the parents make representations. Find an example process for doing this, as there are no set requirements in the guidance.

Last reviewed on 8 November 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 43713
  1. You must consider representations if the parents or pupil make them
  2. See an example process to use

You must consider representations if the parents or pupil make them

If a pupil is suspended for 5 days or fewer in term, your board isn't required to arrange a meeting with the parents (or pupil if they're over 18) and you can't direct reinstatement.

However, you must 'consider any representations' made by the parents or adult pupil.

This is explained in paragraph 106 of the suspensions and exclusions guidance from the Department for Education (DfE).

There's no required process for doing this, but it should be formal and timely

It's worth noting that for suspensions of more than 5 but not more than 15 school days in