Reconsidering reinstatement after an independent review panel

Following a decision from an independent review panel, your governing board might be required to reconsider reinstating an excluded pupil. Understand the steps that you need to take next.

Last reviewed on 24 July 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 5217
  1. Receiving a decision from the IRP
  2. If the IRP has upheld the board's decision
  3. If the IRP has either 'recommended' or 'directed' reconsideration
  4. During reconsideration
  5. After reconsideration

The information in this article can be found in parts 9 to 12 of the Department for Education's (DfE's) statutory exclusions guidance (August 2024).

Receiving a decision from the IRP

Once an independent review panel (IRP) has considered your board’s decision not to reinstate a permanently excluded pupil, it can:

  • Uphold your board’s decision
  • Recommend that your board reconsider reinstatement
  • Quash the decision and direct your board to reconsider reinstatement

The decision of the IRP is binding.

If the IRP has upheld the board's decision

The IRP clerk will have already notified the parents/carers, governing board and local authority (LA) that they're going to uphold your board's decision.

The pupil's name has been removed from the school roll A return has been made to the LA (and home authority, if different) which includes: The pupil's full name The full name and address of any parent/carer with whom the pupil normally resides At least 1 telephone number to contact parents/carers in