Suspension and exclusion
- Governors' suspensions and exclusions panels: proceduresAs a governor, you'll most likely be asked to consider a suspension or exclusion at some point. Read about the procedures to follow when sitting on the governors' panel.
- Governors' suspensions and exclusions panels: purpose and membershipLearn when a suspensions or exclusions panel is required, the timelines for considering different types of suspension or exclusion, and who can make up the membership.
- Governors' suspensions and exclusions panels: using evidenceFind out about the types of evidence you can expect to see as a a member of a suspensions or exclusions panel. Learn how to use them to establish the facts and reach a decision.
- How to consider a suspension of 5 days or fewer in a termYour board is required to consider suspensions of 5 days or under in a term, if the pupil's parents or carers make representations. Find an example process for doing this, as there are no set requirements in the guidance.
- Independent review panels: membership and proceduresParents and carers have the right to request a review of the governing board's decision not to reinstate a pupil after exclusion. The review is done by an independent review panel (IRP). Find out what to expect from the IRP and what the outcomes might be.
- Independent review panels: role of the exclusions panel chairIf you've been asked to appear at an independent review panel (IRP), find out what to expect and use our resources and advice to help you prepare for the meeting.
- Off-rolling: how to identify and prevent itOfsted will look for evidence of 'off-rolling'. Find out what it is – and what it isn't. See what measures your board can put in place to hold your senior leaders to account and prevent off-rolling in your school.
- Reconsidering reinstatement after an independent review panelFollowing a decision from an independent review panel, your governing board might be required to reconsider reinstating an excluded pupil. Understand the steps that you need to take next.
- Suspending or excluding a pupilUnderstand the statutory framework surrounding suspensions and exclusions and what you might be asked to do as part of the process. Download our suspensions and exclusions process flowchart to get up to speed quickly.
- Suspensions and exclusions: resolving difficulties with parents/carersGet advice on what to do if parents or carers behave in an unacceptable way during the suspension or exclusion process. Plus, find out what your school can do if parents/carers can't be reached when a pupil is suspended.
- Suspensions and exclusions summaryRead a short summary of the rules around suspension and exclusion, including the governing board's responsibilities.