QuickRead: Governor school visits

Read our 1-page summary about governor monitoring visits so that you understand what they are and what’s expected of you. Download a copy to share with your governing board.

Last reviewed on 20 March 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 34071

What are they?

'Monitoring visits' are where governors go into school to:

  • See how a specific aspect of the school works in practice
  • Check progress is being made towards the school’s strategic objectives
  • Ask about and witness whether the things people say are happening are actually happening

Your board will assign you to a particular area of the school (you might be formally appointed as a ‘link governor’, but not always). You’ll usually go in and meet the staff member responsible for this area 3 times over the year. For example, the literacy link governor will meet the literacy subject lead.

These visits are pre-arranged, and if you wish to spend time in a classroom, the school needs to be very clear about why you're there. 

Learning walks, where you’ll be taken around the school with the relevant staff member to get a feel for the