Governor and trustee appraisal: templates and guidance

Conduct appraisals to find out what your governors or trustees need to thrive in their role. Uncover training needs, plan future development and offer support in difficult areas. Use our suite of template documents to guide the process.

Last reviewed on 8 July 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 30149
  1. Use appraisals to support governor development
  2. 1. Ask your governors to complete a self-evaluation – use our skills audit
  3. 2. Request 360° feedback from your board – download our template form
  4. 3. Hold appraisal meetings
  5. 4. Set objectives for the period ahead – use our template action plan

Use appraisals to support governor development

An effective appraisal process will help you:

  • Identify areas for improvement and use these to uncover governors' training needs
  • Identify who needs a bit of extra support or mentoring  
  • Spot who's ready to take on a new challenge, like chairing a committee 
  • With succession planning

Encourage participation

Some governors might feel uncomfortable about the appraisal process, as they may feel like they're being tested. Encourage buy-in from your governors by fully explaining the process.Let them know that it's about helping them to develop their governance skills.

Tell governors that the school appreciates all the skills and experience that they bring to the board from their personal and professional lives.

Appraise governors every 2