Your role in teachers' pay progression

Understand the pay and progression process – from what to expect in the report from your headteacher, to how to manage appeals.

Last reviewed on 24 October 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4008
  1. Your role in staff pay decisions
  2. You can delegate pay decisions to a pay committee
  3. The process for approving pay
  4. The appeals process

Your role in staff pay decisions

Maintained schools Your board is responsible for: Reviewing and approving your teachers' pay policy Making sure the appraisal policy is robust and doesn't negatively impact teachers' workloads Making sure your policy links performance to pay and can be applied consistently and objectively Considering and approving the recommendations of the senior leadership team about awarding performance-related pay progression  Monitoring the outcomes of pay decisions Checking that processes operate fairly Being aware of the impact that pay decisions have on the school's budget Making sure pay grievances are managed in line with the school pay and appraisal policies and the ACAS Code of Practice Your board will normally delegate the day-to-day decision-making on pay to your headteacher, but it retains ultimate responsibility for pay decisions. This is outlined on pages 9 to 10 of the guidance on implementing your school's approach to pay and pages 24 to 25 of the school teachers' pay and conditions document (STPCD) from the Department for