- Pay award for teachers in 2023
Make sure you know what the teacher pay ranges, and teaching and learning responsibility (TLR) payments for 2023/24 are, as well as how your school needs to apply them. Find the pay ranges from the current STPCD all in one place.
- Pay committee: membership
Be clear on who can sit on the pay committee for maintained schools and academies, and what the rules are for staff governors. Plus, see examples of terms of reference from a school and a trust.
- Rewarding staff: payments, perks and incentives
Be clear on what financial and non-financial rewards and incentives you can give staff, so you can show your staff some appreciation and stay compliant.
- Support staff: pay scales and progression
Find who sets the pay for school support staff, different pay progression arrangements, and pay for support staff following academy conversion.
- Teachers' pay additional grant: what your school will get and when
Get to grips with how the teachers' pay additional grant is funded. Find out who is eligible, when and how you'll receive the grant, and how it can be spent.
- Your role in teachers' pay progression
Understand the pay and progression process – from what to expect in the report from your headteacher, to how to manage appeals.