Determining and reviewing headteacher pay

Find guidance on how to set headteacher pay ranges, when you can give additional payments, and how you should pay those in an acting role. Use our tool to determine pay ranges, including in special schools.

Last reviewed on 19 December 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 3701
  1. Understand the leadership pay range
  2. Setting pay for new appointments: 3-stage process
  3. Reviewing pay ranges for existing roles
  4. Additional payments
  5. Paying those in an acting role

The rules for determining headteacher pay are set out in the School teachers' pay and conditions (STPCD). We summarise these rules below.

The STPCD applies to headteachers:

  • In maintained schools
  • Whose employment transferred to an academy at the point of conversion and whose terms have not since been renegotiated

If your school is an academy, you may choose to follow the STPCD when setting pay and conditions for new headteachers, but you don't have to.

Schools that don't follow the STPCD should consult their contracts and pay policies for details of how headteacher pay should be determined.

Understand the leadership pay range

For full details of the pay ranges,