Staff grievances: guidance

Read our step-by-step guide to understand the grievance process from start to finish, including what can happen during the informal stage. Download our model agenda for the grievance panel meeting and a template outcome letter.

Last reviewed on 3 May 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4318
  1. Read your grievance policy
  2. Informal stage
  3. Formal stage
  4. Grievance panel meeting: use our model agenda
  5. Outcome: download our template outcome letter

Read your grievance policy

Your school/trust is required to have disciplinary and grievance procedures in place. These procedures are statutory for both maintained schools and academies.

This article is based on our model policy, so read your policy first in case the processes in your school/trust differ from what's outlined in this article.

You can find information about the statutory grievance policy on page 22 of the DfE's staffing and employment advice for schools.

Informal stage

You're unlikely to be involved at this stage, but it's a good idea to understand what could happen before a grievance reaches the formal stage, which you might be involved in (see the section below). 

During this stage, the member of staff with a grievance should try and resolve the matter informally – a quiet word is often enough to resolve an issue. They could approach their: 

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