Banning parents from the school site

Your school leaders can decide to ban parents or visitors who behave aggressively or abusively on the school site. Read about how your board might be involved with reviewing bans.

Last reviewed on 12 July 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 3721
  1. The governing board's role in banning parents
  2. Your headteacher will decide to ban parents 
  3. Parents must be able to give their side
  4. The person responsible will then decide to confirm or remove the ban
  5. If the parent doesn't comply with a ban, your school can have them removed
  6. Review the ban at the agreed point
  7. See approaches from other schools 

The governing board's role in banning parents

As a board, you won't be involved in the decision to ban a parent, because this is an operational decision for your senior leaders.
Instead, you could be involved in reviewing the ban.
You might need to review the headteacher's decision immediately after they impose a ban. This is because your school needs to decide whether to confirm the ban or not, and this decision might fall to the chair of the governing board.
However, it's likely that your board will review bans at a later date, to help decide whether to keep them in place or to allow the parent onto the site again.

Even if you're not involved until the review stage, it's important to