Governing/trust board self-evaluation: resources

Follow these steps and use our resources to carry out your self-evaluation. You'll find information on our board effectiveness tool, evaluation templates, and a dashboard for multi-academy trusts to get an overall picture across local governing bodies. Use our 360° feedback form to review your chair's performance.

Last reviewed on 8 January 2025
Ref: 40562
  1. Step 1: audit your governors' skills and knowledge 
  2. Step 2: get feedback from staff, parents/carers and pupils
  3. Step 3: analyse your board's performance
  4. Step 4: set actions for improvement
  5. Optional step: review your chair's performance

Step 1: audit your governors' skills and knowledge 

GovernorHub's new effectiveness tool collates all your board members' skills, experience and knowledge in one place, as part of your governing board's self-evaluation process.

Our effectiveness tool goes above and beyond your normal skills audit, and is designed to help you and your board:

  • Evaluate strengths and weaknesses in different areas
  • Identify development and training needs
  • Identify board members with experience in specific tasks, e.g. exclusion panels

You can find the tool by going to your board's page on GovernorHub, selecting 'Governing Board' and then 'Effectiveness'. Find out more in our help articles on GovernorHub and our article on measuring board effectiveness.

If a member of your board is unable to complete the