Register of interests (academies)

Academy trusts must publish a register of interests online. Read up on the requirements, and use GovernorHub tools to make sure you've got everything covered.

Last reviewed on 10 January 2024
School types: AcademySchool phases: AllRef: 5205
  1. What you need to do: in summary
  2. Use GovernorHub to streamline the process
  3. What counts as an interest?
  4. Template register of interests

What you need to do: in summary

Your trust must:

  • Keep a register of the relevant business and pecuniary interests of members, trustees, local governors and senior employees. This is to make sure your trust is transparent and open
  • Identify relevant interests arising from close family relationships
  • Publish the register online
  • Keep the register up to date at all times

This is explained in paragraphs 5.45 to 5.48 of the Academy Trust Handbook (ATH).

Use GovernorHub to streamline the process

Let your governors/trustees know they can add their declarations of interest to their GovernorHub profile. Everyone can view declarations for the whole board to promote transparency, and administrators can send a friendly reminder to those who are yet to complete their declarations and confirmations.

You can also download your whole board's declarations of interest to help you create your register - find out how here.

What counts as an interest?
