Headteacher's appraisal: chair of the appraisal panel

Be clear on what your role is as chair of the headteacher’s appraisal panel, and use our checklist of the process so you know what has to happen when.

Last reviewed on 13 November 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 3726
  1. Your role as chair of the appraisal panel
  2. Download your checklist of the process
  3. Remember: be a 'critical friend'

Your role as chair of the appraisal panel

  • Prepare the panel to contribute to meetings by making sure they have access to all the paperwork and evidence before the appraisal
  • Make sure the panel is actively involved
  • Make sure the panel's comments are objective (the external adviser can help you do this)
  • Encourage the panel to think about the headteacher’s impact
  • Be mindful of your own succession planning

Make sure the appraisal process is:

  • Professionally conducted
  • Well integrated into the school improvement plan (SIP)
  • Meaningful and challenging to the headteacher
  • Taking into account the personal and professional goals of the headteacher
  • Not a single meeting, but part of ongoing monitoring throughout the year

Be clear on the full step-by-step process for headteacher appraisal – including the statutory requirements for maintained schools. 

Download your checklist of the process

As mentioned above, if you’re an