Pay committee: approving the headteacher's pay

How do you know the pay recommendation is right, when you're usually reviewing it with only limited information? Here's what to look for, and what to do if you have concerns.

Last reviewed on 14 July 2023
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 5917
  1. What usually happens
  2. Appraisal outcomes and confidentiality
  3. Define the remits of both committees
  4. Quality assurance is built into the appraisal system
  5. If the pay recommendation isn't what you were expecting

What usually happens

As a member of the pay committee, you receive a recommendation for the headteacher's pay at the end of their annual appraisal (for more on the full process, read our step-by-step guide to headteacher appraisal). 

You review the recommendation and, usually, approve it – it's generally pretty straightforward, as this isn't the point where you'd expect surprises.

But if the recommendation from the headteacher appraisal committee doesn't jell with your expectations, there are steps you can take to ensure your own due diligence. We look at these later on.

Appraisal outcomes and confidentiality

All staff appraisals are treated with confidentiality, and it's no different for headteachers. This means the pay committee is usually asked to approve pay recommendations with limited information. 

The appraisal and capability processes