Strikes: communicating with parents, staff and stakeholders

Find out who your headteacher needs to inform about industrial action and school closures, and understand what your role is. Use our questions to ask your headteacher about talking to striking and non-striking staff.

Last reviewed on 26 June 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 41789
  1. Your headteacher should notify you of potential strike action  
  2. Your headteacher can talk to staff about strikes
  3. Download our letter to parents

Your headteacher should notify you of potential strike action  

Your headteacher will get advance notice of potential strike action happening in your school:

  • 7 days before a ballot on strike action is held, and
  • 7 days before a strike begins

They should use this time to notify your school community and make plans. Early communication with the board will enable you to support your headteachers and leaders throughout the process. 

Your headteacher should inform:

  • Your governing board
  • Parents
  • Your local authority (LA)
  • Your academy trust and/or diocesan representative (where appropriate) 

Your headteacher might consult with your board on what to do about strikes 

In maintained schools: it's the headteacher's decision whether to close your school or not. They don't need permission from any of the groups listed above,