Last reviewed on 24 April 2023
Statutory/mandatory for: Maintained schools Academies Free schools Independent schools Sixth-form colleges Pupil referral units Non-maintained special schools

Understand how to review your school's staff grievance procedures, including questions you can ask. Save time with our model policy to see what good looks like.

What this policy needs to do

It should cover:

  • What a grievance is and when the policy should, and shouldn't, be used
  • How the school will deal with grievances fairly
  • How employees should raise grievances, including:
    • That the employee should aim to resolve the grievance informally first
    • Procedures to raise the grievance formally, including what to do if the grievance is about the headteacher
  • How the school will investigate a grievance, including: 
    • Who will conduct the investigation
    • How long it will take
  • The grievance hearing, including:
    • Who will be involved and the time frame 
    • The employee's right to be accompanied by a companion, and who this companion can be
  • How the school will communicate the decision to the employee
  • The employee's right to appeal the decision, and how they should do this
  • How the school will keep any records 

3 key questions to challenge this policy

Your policy should be in line with these