How to review your safer recruitment policy

Find out how to review your school's safer recruitment policy. Save time with our example questions you can ask, and use our model to see what good looks like.

on 30 January 2025
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School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 38496
  1. Key facts
  2. What this policy needs to do
  3. Key questions to challenge the policy
  4. Find model procedures in appendix 2 of our safeguarding policy 

What this policy needs to do

As a governing board, you need to adopt robust recruitment procedures that deter and prevent unsuitable people from applying for, or securing, employment or volunteering opportunities in your school.

You also need to make sure that those involved with recruiting and employing staff to work with children have received appropriate safer recruitment training. Find out more about your role in safer recruitment.

Whether your school covers safer recruitment as part of its child protection policy, or has a standalone safer recruitment policy, the document should make clear how your school achieves these aims. For example, it might cover your school's procedures for:

  • Advertising
  • Application forms
  • Shortlisting
  • Employment history and references
  • Interview and selection
  • Pre-appointment vetting checks (including for staff, volunteers and governors)

Key questions to challenge the policy

You need to ask challenging questions when the policy comes to you for approval, so you can satisfy yourself that the policy-reviewing process was robust.