Last reviewed on 26 October 2022
School types: All · School phases: All
Ref: 38475

Use our model conflicts of interest policy to help you meet statutory requirements. Plus, see examples of policies from schools and trusts.

Model policy

We worked with Forbes Solicitors to create this policy. It takes account of relevant requirements and good practice.

You aren't required to have a conflicts of interest policy, but you do have a legal duty to manage conflicts of interest, and a policy can help you do this.

Read about the principles of conflicts of interest in our 1-page summary, and test your understanding of circumstances that create conflicts of interest with our example scenarios.

How to create a conflicts of interest policy

If you'd rather write your own policy, annex 4 of the Charity Commission's guidance on handling conflicts of interest gives tips on how to do it.

The guidance is for charities (including academy trusts) but maintained schools may find it useful too.

Define conflicts of interest Explain that trustees have a responsibility to declare conflicts of