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Study suggests pupil premium cuts are £43 million worse than government claims. The DfE claimed that 62,000 pupils would miss out, but research indicates this to be almost 104,000 pupils [Schools Week]. Brush up on what to look for in your school's pupil premium reports to monitor spending.
COVID-19 jabs for 16 and 17-year-olds to start within weeks. They won’t need parental consent and will receive the Pfizer-BioNTech jab [BBC News].
Boris Johnson told officials not to make school lockdown contingency plans last year. A new report by the Institute for Government indicates that this was, in part, due to fears of lockdown contingency plans leaking to the public [Schools Week].
Covid knocks permanent exclusions to lowest level since 2013 after pre-lockdown rise [Schools Week] Drop in new teachers securing jobs, and 5 more findings from ITT data [Schools Week] Teacher training shake-up timings may 'move' [Tes (free sign-up required)] Former regional schools commissioner John Edwards named interim ESFA