Your weekly round-up for 30 July to 6 August 2021

Get up to speed with what’s happened in education this week.

Last reviewed on 5 August 2021
Ref: 39577
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Top stories

Study suggests pupil premium cuts are £43 million worse than government claims. The DfE claimed that 62,000 pupils would miss out, but research indicates this to be almost 104,000 pupils [Schools Week]. Brush up on what to look for in your school's pupil premium reports to monitor spending. 

COVID-19 jabs for 16 and 17-year-olds to start within weeks. They won’t need parental consent and will receive the Pfizer-BioNTech jab [BBC News].

Boris Johnson told officials not to make school lockdown contingency plans last year. new report by the Institute for Government indicates that this was, in part, due to fears of lockdown contingency plans leaking to the public [Schools Week]. 

Covid knocks permanent exclusions to lowest level since 2013 after pre-lockdown rise [Schools Week] Drop in new teachers securing jobs, and 5 more findings from ITT data [Schools Week] Teacher training shake-up timings may 'move' [Tes (free sign-up required)] Former regional schools commissioner John Edwards named interim ESFA

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