Forming a new MAT: questions to ask

Get the key questions you need when considering setting up a new multi-academy trust (MAT), so you can weigh up whether it’s the right decision for your school. Download our questions to keep them handy.

Last reviewed on 22 August 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 30581
  1. Questions to ask
  2. Download our questions to ask

Our thanks to our associate education experts Brendan Hollyer, Keith Clover, Bill Dennison, David New and Fred Birkett, who helped us to create this article.

This article is aimed at governing boards considering setting up a brand new MAT. If you’re looking to join an existing MAT, use this article instead.

Asking questions is one piece of the puzzle when deciding whether to become a MAT. Be clear on what the pros and cons are to being in a MAT.

Questions to ask

Use the questions below as a springboard to ask your own questions about forming a MAT. Please note that this list isn't exhaustive. 

You can ask these questions in your governing board or committee meetings. For example, it might be appropriate to discuss these questions with:

Don't ask all these questions in 1 go, and pick