Length of service for a chair of governors

There's no limit on chairs of governors' length of service. Find out about the benefits of restricting terms of office, including spreading good practice, boosting diversity and developing a strong board.

Last reviewed on 29 June 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 5529
  1. There's no limit on the time chairs can serve
  2. Change can be good for your board 
  3. Upskill your board
  4. Share best practice
  5. Boost diversity
  6. Align with the strategic plan

There's no limit on the time chairs can serve

There's also no restriction on them serving successive terms. But there may still be good reasons for your board to put limits in place. Read on to find out about some of the benefits of limiting chairs' terms.

Note: if you do decide to limit your chair's term, add this to your standing orders, if you have them. If you don't, contact your local authority.

If your chair resigns, they're entitled to complete their term of office as a governor, where they'll still be able to provide invaluable guidance and support.

Even if your chair is doing a fantastic job, there can still be benefits to limiting the number of times you re-elect them. The Department for Education (DfE) suggests that it can be beneficial for strong chairs to move to a different school after a "reasonable" time (2 terms