How to induct a new governor or trustee effectively

High-quality induction ensures that new governors and trustees can hit the ground running. Understand what you need to do to prepare them for their role, and use our checklist to make sure you've done everything you need to.

Last reviewed on 19 January 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 37147
  1. The chair usually leads induction
  2. Set up a meeting with your new board member
  3. Send them key documents
  4. Set them up on GovernorHub
  5. Assign them their mentor
  6. Help them prepare for their first board meeting
  7. Invite them to observe a committee
  8. Set them up with training
  9. Download our induction checklist
  10. Keep in touch

The chair usually leads induction

The chair should lead induction for a new governor or trustee. However, they can delegate the responsibility to someone with the necessary governance experience, such as the vice-chair or governance professional.

In multi-academy trusts where there is a governance lead, they could be the person responsible for inductions.

Whoever is responsible, the individual should keep the headteacher/principal/CEO and clerk updated on the new governor or trustee's progress.

Set up a meeting with your new board member

If you're leading induction, arrange a meeting with the new governor/trustee, either virtually or face-to-face.

You don’t need to invite the headteacher or CEO to this meeting as they don’t need to be involved yet. This will also help the new governor/trustee understand that you’re responsible for providing the leadership and direction of the governing board, not the headteacher or CEO.  

Present the vision for improvement and strategy