Summer term 2024 agenda items

Get up to speed on the headline topics you're likely to cover in your board meetings this term. Read on to understand each issue and feel prepared with questions you can ask to scrutinise the agenda items effectively.

Last reviewed on 4 April 2024See updates
Ref: 40478
  1. Prioritise wellbeing and mental health
  2. Be clear on the arrangements for summer 2024 exams
  3. Review and approve your budget forecast
  4. Review and publish details of your PE and sport premium funding (primary schools)
  5. Monitor recovery premium funding
  6. Consider staffing arrangements for 2024/25
  7. Be aware of your trust's cyber security
  8. Reflect on your board's effectiveness
  9. Plan and agree your programme of work for internal scrutiny (trustees)
  10. Monitor your school improvement plan (SIP) and review your goals
  11. Set the strategy for 2024/25
  12. Make sustainability part of your strategy in 2024/25
  13. Evaluate how well you're promoting British values
  14. Headteacher's or CEO's report 
  15. Set up your governors and trustees with training 

Prioritise wellbeing and mental health

After a challenging 2 terms, you'll want to make sure that your trust is supporting the wellbeing of headteachers, senior leaders, staff and pupils. 

What's being done to support headteacher and CEO wellbeing? How do we know if they're coping with their workload and achieving a healthy work-life balance? What is our trust doing to improve wellbeing for each of the following groups: headteacher, senior leaders, staff, and pupils? Does it have action plans for this? If so, what's the intended impact of these initiatives? How does the trust know whether they're working?  Do senior leaders survey staff to understand their needs – for example, using a wellbeing questionnaire? Does our school and/or trust vision include a commitment to improving mental health and wellbeing? If not, should we review the