Tutoring programmes: summary

Find out about the National Tutoring Programme – including academic mentors and school-led tutoring – and the 16 to 19 tuition fund. Be clear on what funding your school could receive and how to monitor that it's being spent appropriately.

Last reviewed on 3 October 2023See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 41591
  1. What is the National Tutoring Programme?
  2. The NTP offers 3 routes for tutoring 
  3. How NTP funding works
  4. Monitor your school's use of NTP funding
  5. Tutoring for 16 to 19-year-olds

What is the National Tutoring Programme?

The National Tutoring Programme (NTP) provides targeted support for pupils in years 1 to 11 in state-funded schools.

While the NTP was established to help pupils catch up on learning lost during the pandemic, the focus is now on the attainment gap more generally. Schools should prioritise tutoring for pupils who are:

  • Eligible for the pupil premium, or
  • Below the expected standard or grade boundary in an applicable subject

Schools can also decide to offer tutoring to other pupils.

The 2023/24 academic year is the final year of the NTP. The Department for Education (DfE) has suggested that schools and trusts consider how tutoring can be supported in future years. The DfE is also considering how it can support

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