How to support your school through the cost-of-living crisis

As schools navigate the cost-of-living and energy crisis, understand what your role is and what questions to ask senior leaders, so you can provide challenge and support.

Last reviewed on 12 May 2022
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 40926
  1. How will the cost-of-living crisis affect my school? 
  2. How to support your school community
  3. How to challenge senior leaders

Thanks to our associate experts Brendan Hollyer, Graeme Hornsby and Sally Timmins for their help with this article.

Note: if you're on a local governing body (LGB), check your scheme of delegation to see what your responsibilities are. You might not be responsible for monitoring your school's finances, but may find the other sections of this article useful. 

How will the cost-of-living crisis affect my school? 

Cost of living pressures are affecting the entire country. 

Schools will also feel the strain of high levels of inflation, higher national insurance contributions, and rising energy, fuel and food bills. 

Your budget and longer term financial strategy - for example, this survey from NAHT demonstrates how rising energy costs could negatively impact education  The wellbeing and welfare of pupils, staff and the local community Recruitment - some schools are finding it more challenging