Amalgamation of schools: process and considerations

If you're considering amalgamation, know what to consider before deciding if it's right for your school, and understand your role in the process.

Last reviewed on 6 February 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 4673
  1. Reasons for amalgamation
  2. Routes to amalgamation
  3. Consider the impact: examples from schools
  4. Governors' role in preparing for amalgamation

Reasons for amalgamation

If you're considering amalgamation, you might be:

  • Wanting to create an all-through school
  • A smaller school that needs or wants to stay viable by sharing a headteacher and centralising administrative services

Local authorities (LAs) have the power to require their schools to amalgamate. They may do this to:

  • Minimise disruption for primary pupils, by joining infant and junior schools to create all-through primaries
  • Close a school that’s no longer viable by itself
  • Increase the number of school places to meet local demand
  • Raise standards at a school that's been judged ‘inadequate’ by Ofsted, where no sponsored academy is available

The process in maintained schools  The DfE's statutory guidance, opening and closing maintained schools, explains how there are 2 routes to amalgamation (page 26): Route 1: closing all schools involved, and opening a new school  The LA or governing board (depending on the type of school) can publish a proposal to close all schools involved  The LA