Academy conversion: consultation toolkit

Converting to an academy is a big decision. Find out who you should consult, when and how to do it, and what information to include in your consultation. Adapt our template letter to inform and invite stakeholders to give their views on conversion, and share our FAQs document.

Last reviewed on 25 April 2024See updates
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 5172
  1. Your governing board must consult if the conversion is voluntary
  2. Who to consult
  3. When to consult
  4. How to consult
  5. What information to include
  6. Review responses
  7. Your LA should handle complaints

Your governing board must consult if the conversion is voluntary

You don't need to consult if your school has received an academy order.

However, before the secretary of state issues an academy order for a foundation school or voluntary school that has a foundation, they must consult:

  • The trustees of the school
  • The person or persons by whom the foundation governors are appointed
  • The appropriate religious body (if your school has a religious character)

See sections 8 and 9 of the Education and Adoption Act 2016.

Who to consult

You must seek views from everyone who will have an interest in your school changing its status, including:

  • Staff members
  • Parents and carers

This is explained in the DfE's guidance on academy conversion (section 3, under the heading 'prepare to set up your academy').

Your local authority (LA) Unions Other local schools The foundation or trust (if you're a foundation or trust school) The diocese