Schools white paper 2022: where are we now?

Be clear on what's changed since the government published its schools white paper in March 2022. Find out which initiatives are still happening, what has been dropped, and what all this means for your school or trust.

Last reviewed on 12 February 2024
School types: AllSchool phases: AllRef: 42625
  1. The white paper isn't ‘cancelled’ but the Schools Bill has been scrapped
  2. Plans for all schools to move into academy trusts by 2030 not going ahead
  3. All schools will be inspected by 2025
  4. Schools are expected to deliver a 32.5-hour week
  5. Interventions to improve attainment
  6. Non-statutory attendance guidance published
  7. Plans to reform academy admissions have been halted
  8. Trust leaders: changes to trust management

The white paper isn't ‘cancelled’ but the Schools Bill has been scrapped

Opportunity for all: strong schools with great teachers for your child ('the white paper') is a policy paper setting out the Department for Education's (DfE's) policy plans over a period of several years. 

It is not statutory guidance or legislation. 

Myth:The white paper has been ‘scrapped’ or ‘cancelled’
Fact:It has not been scrapped, because it is not a single policy aim or piece of legislation

The Schools Bill, which would have introduced several aims from the white paper into legislation, was scrapped and now won't be going ahead.

Take a look at our breakdown below of the main aims of the white paper, including what's happening to them now and what they mean for your school or trust. (Note that we've focused on the most important issues rather than covering every initiative