How to review your teacher appraisal policy

Be confident when approving your teacher appraisal policy. Know what it should include and what questions to ask to make sure it's compliant and robust.

Last reviewed on 11 April 2024
Ref: 38502
Statutory/mandatory for:
Maintained schools
Pupil referral units
  1. Key facts
  2. What this policy needs to do
  3. 3 key questions to challenge the policy
  4. Model policy from The Key 
  5. See examples of policies from schools
  6. Sources

What this policy needs to do

Your school’s teacher appraisal policy must cover:

How often appraisals take place

Teachers on fixed-term contracts of less than 12 months, or those starting at your school during the appraisal period can have a shorter or longer initial appraisal period.

The appointment of external advisers and appraisers

The policy should explain:

  • How the governing board will select/appoint an external adviser to provide advice and support for headteacher appraisal
  • That the governing board may also choose to delegate headteacher appraisal to a smaller group of governors (a committee)
  • Who will appraise other teachers (if not your headteacher)

Objective setting and assessment

It should also explain that objectives will contribute to improving the education of pupils at your school, and the implementation of any school